Saturday, June 16, 2012


That was the final tally.

Everyone SAID to take lots of pictures.

Still going through them to find the best of the best.
Lots of culls for several reasons (mostly because a large portion of the trip seemed to be in a state of conveyance, therefore lots of blur,) but still a plethora of great, great shots.

Am having trouble making decisions.
I love all 238 shots from the back of the train, but am thinking you might get kinda bored.

Y'all know i have always been a 35mm kinda gal, but on this trip i managed to embrace the digital era. Rather than sticking my nose behind a camera and seeing the sights through the viewfinder while creating the perfect frame--a process that i still dearly love--i was fully engaged in my surroundings and just holding that camera up and clicking away, knowing that i could do clean up, cropping and creating the frame later. It is really kinda cool.

The only thing i am still not impressed with is the fact that you have to be somewhat clairvoyant when using a digital camera, due to the delay between click and snap. Wound up without a single good shot of the whales or porpoises, just lots of little black dots that are the tips of tails, or the ripples in the water left by submersion. RATS!!!

That said, i will leave you with a couple of images to whet your appetite until such time as i can sit down and finish up the sorting. May take a day or so...still playing catsup on the home front...wasn't even home the first two days i was home. Figure that one out.

Are you starting to see my problem, here?
There are hundreds of these.
HOW do you choose?
Each one has SOME aspect that appeals to me.

And we haven't even gotten to the waterfalls.
I have a HUGE soft spot for waterfalls.

It's a Nightmare!

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