Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fuzzy Cows

I am not a huge fan of cows. 

Unless of course they are on a plate in front of me with a bit of potato and a nice little tossed something.

Then i simply adore them.

But i keep passing these guys, and i must admit that i am somewhat smitten. 
I have no idea what kind of cows they are, but they are woolly and unusual. 
I am sure they must be insanely expensive. 
Not that i was gonna put them on my wish list, mind you. 
They are, after all, COWS. 
But they are kinda cute....don'tcha think?

Long ago and far away, in another life, i was friends with a cattle person that kept trying to teach me the difference between a "good" cow and a "bad" cow. 
I, being me, tried to eek a little fun out of the process by making things difficult.
After listening to instruction, tips and pointers ad nauseum, and learning more about the loin, brisket, topline, the triangulation of the three points of blah blah blah blah than i really cared to know at the time, i was finally quizzed on the dissertation and asked to make distinctions between cows.

I said that the only common denominator i could see was that bad cows had fuzzy ears.

This guy hung his head and just shook it.   

I was reminded of that friend today when i was taking pictures of the fuzzy oreo cows.
This old gal sauntered up to see what i was up to.
I would say that she has about the fuzziest cow ears i have ever seen.

Surely that doesn't make her a BAD cow.

Unless of course she is prone to playing pranks or doesn't show up for supper or something.

I mean, she LOOKS like she has tasty ribs, right?


Anonymous said...

They are called belted gallowways
Hope this helps :D

Queenacres said...

I would invite her to dinner any time. She looks like a gooood cow to me!

aprilof2 said...

I'm partial to the stripes and you KNOW how I feel about cows.

by Chickory Blossom said...

Thank you so much, Anonymous!! Let it not be said that this blog is triffle and piffle, we are informative, too!!