Saturday, November 19, 2011


Got a regular visitor to the barn lately. 

Seems a skunk has been sight seeing 'round these parts at night.  Pretty sure he is the one that has dined on a couple of chickens, and given all of the dogs a spray at one time or another.  He is smart enough to spend most of his time in a section the big dogs can't get to.

Ellie was out doing barn chores, and came running in to let us know there was another sighting.

Jed and Jethro grabbed their weapons, and headed that way.

In a few minutes, they came back, sans skunk. {{thankfully}}

When queried about it, Jethro said, "Well, i see it this way.  What ever is behind the skunk is his, and whatever is in front of him he can have if he wants it."

1 comment:

Queenacres said...

LOL!!! I'm stealing that line!