Friday, December 23, 2011

Ducking Work

The pink pool finally bit the dust.

Unfortunately, it can't be replaced until spring.
Fortunately, we have had quite a bit of good rain the last couple of weeks, and the ponds around here are filling back up.

Unfortunately, the dry bed of the pond got used for various purposes (like target practice) over the course of the summer, and a lot of the junk did not get removed before the rain came.
Fortunately, the ducks don't care.

The Bobs weren't quite sure what to think.

They went this way......
...and that way....
...and finally headed for the water... their feet wet...
...tested the water....
...nope.  Too cold. We're outta here!!!

And they headed back to the barn.

Better luck next time.

1 comment:

Queenacres said...

Next time you come to visit we'll pull up that pond liner out front for the Bobs and Isabelle. You were supposed to get it months ago but we keep forgetting!