Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcome To Chaos, Agent 99

The last couple of weeks have been insane...and this week--mind numbing. 

Every day this week, we have had to be somewhere on time to do something.  Yesterday we left the house before the sun even came up.  Ok, the sun was up, but just barely.  (STOP LAUGHING, SUSAN!)

Please note that we live in a time warp here. 

First of all, we don't wear watches, we kinda operate on our biological clocks, and the position of the sun.

Supper happens around 9 or 9:30 p.m. at Tails Up, sometimes as late as 10:30 in the summer, when it is light longer.

Susan Dear Susan says that i operate in football time (10 minutes = 2 hrs) and i swear that she counts every other minute ("It'll take us about half an hour to get there" = breakfast, lunch and potty stops not included.)

The Baas and The Crew only live 20 minutes away from us, but we live 30 minutes away from them.

If you want us somewhere on time, you have to tell us to be there 30 minutes early.  I have said for years that i wanted to be wheeled in to my funeral 30 minutes late, but was informed last week that Liz Taylor stole my thunder.  I just want it noted that i thought of it first.  And i will be eternally ticked with her for ruining a perfectly good straight line.

Staci used to look at me with loving disgust and tell me i had a blatant disregard for time. 

She was right of course, can't argue with the truth. 

But Staci knew how to deal with it.  There was a lecturer at her church one time that she knew we would enjoy (we did, he was amazing) and she invited us, telling us to be at the church at 7pm sharp.  Sure enough, that evening, we were pushing the envelope.  I was driving like a bat outta you-know-where trying to find the wormhole that would magically deposit me 40 miles away in her church parking lot right on time.  Musta found it, coz we pulled into the parking lot at 7:01.  I was SO proud.  We did it!!  Went into the church, and found Staci and her girlz sitting all alone in the back of the sanctuary.  We came in and sat down, and i got to looking around, and saw that there were not a dozen people in the whole place.  I noted my surprise to Staci, who smiled slyly, and said, "Oh, it will be a packed house, all right.  The lecture doesn't start until 8:00.  I just wanted to make sure you got a seat."

So after a gruelling week of keeping to the rest of the world's schedule, FINALLY, today, there was nothing on the dance card.  This morning we did what we had to for the health and comfort of the animals, and have spent the rest of the day loafing.  I haven't even cooked anything.  Everyone has been on their own.  Ellie May has either painted or laid on the couch reading.*********  I have read and snoozed in bed.  Jethro has been in and out (i would worry about a 10 year old boy that laid around all day) but has been extremely low key. 

Maka Kilo, Guardian of the Couch, has given herself a lateral promotion to Guardian of the Bed, and has been on duty pretty much all day.  Apparently she has been worn out this week with Couch duty and watching us as we fly by.

At one point, Jethro was lounging on the bed with the bedbug, and i walked thru to check on them.  Maka twitched her tail in acknowledgment of my entrance, but didn't move another muscle.  Jethro commented on how nice it was to finally have nothing to do, and how great it felt to be lazy.  I told him that everyone needed down time, even Maka. 

Maka truly understands the value of a day of rest.

********Speaking of reading, may i highly recommend the book The Help by Catherine Stockett.  It is wonderful, and immediately went into my Top 5 list.  I let Ellie read it, although i did a bit of editing for her, and she put it in Top 5 as well.  Said it had been a long time since she had read anything that made her FEEL like this one did.  Somewhere in the middle of the book, she put it down, looked at me with a mixture of awe and anger, and said, "It is a great author that can make you want to reach out and smack one of the characters."  Know there is a movie out, and have heard good things, but i am not gonna see it at this time, don't want to ruin this beautiful movie in my mind.  READ IT!!!

1 comment:

Queenacres said...

See, even YOU got Erin'd!

Erin'd [er-uh'nd]
1. A short trip to accomplish a specific purpose that may or may not get completed. Usually involves dear friends getting together and a whole lot of visiting and cramming much into one session.
2. A delightful event that leads to complete exhaustion.