Monday, August 1, 2011

Please Pray For Rain

Okay, it is officially August.  The hottest time of the year.  Don't know if i am up to this.  Been hottern H-E-double toothpicks for....seems like forever.  Ask me for stats later.  Expecting 108 - 110 this week.  That little tidbit blew what was left of my sanity.

Ask me if i'm cranky. 

I'll tell you, "Of course not.  I can't stay vertical long enough to get cranky."

Then ask Ellie May and Jethro if i am cranky. 

The heat really does me in.  Drains me of energy and brain power.

I much prefer colder climates.  I figure you can always put on more clothes, but you can only take off so many before they arrest you or run away screaming.  Either way, doesn't matter.  I will just have to deal, coz there is no place else for me but Texas.

The hot is one thing, the drought is another.  Very scary.  Obviously there will only be one cutting of hay for us this year, and we were darn lucky to get that.  Nothing but brown sticks everywhere, now.  Overheard a couple of codgers at the spit and whittle club talking about paying to have round bales brought in from Nebraska, and alfalfa from even further north.  Prices on hay right now are higher than they were in the dead of winter.  When you can find it.   Fear it is just gonna get worse.  Saw a sign in front of the Farm Bureau advertising "Hay Insurance."  Tell ya anything?

Gardens shriveled up long ago, and young landscaping around town is toast.  Old, OLD trees are dieing.  Leaves turning brown and dropping off.  Had a windstorm come through about a month ago, and huge trees were knocked over, roots up. 

We have been in drought for quite a while now.  Have been dealing with all kinds of herd health issues as a result of  mineral deficiencies in our grasses brought on by lack of rain.  It looks like it is just gonna get worse.  Lots of folks selling off livestock.  Getting out.

Don't mean to sound doom and gloom.  And everyone around these parts KNOWS it is hot and dry, they don't need ME to tell them.  But there are people in other parts of the country that are reading our story---heck, we are international, folks!  We get hits from all over the world (only continent we haven't picked up yet is Australia) and even got us a regular reader in Germany (Howdy, there, Germany, so delighted to have you checking in every week--makes it double fun for us rednecks to know you are out there!!)  

But this is serious folks. 

Need some prayers for rain here. 

My usual joke is "say prayers, light candles, rattle chicken bones, what ever you do..."

But this is beyond jokes.  Not gonna risk ticking off The Big Guy on this one. 

Please pray.

Pray for gentle, soaking rain. 

Storm rains are just gonna run off, coz the ground is too hard.  We need prolonged, moderate, cleansing, soaking rain.

Thank you for your support.

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