Friday, August 12, 2011

One Hundred

I wanted to do something special to commemorate my one hundredth post.

Thought i might write about the one hundred days of one hundred degree weather, until i realized that that was 1998.  This year it has only been 40 something days, even though it feels like two hundred days, an it wasn't always 100 degrees, most of the time it has been something like 106 or 110.  And besides that, we are all miserable and nobody wants to be reminded of how hot it is. 

Then i thought about telling The Pig stories, because she was such a special little critter.  There are some really great stories about her, and she lived to be 98 in dog years, and that is really close to 100, but then i decided that it was close, but no cigar.  Will save her stories for another day.

This morning, i was pondering my existence which was making me want to be cranky, so i forced myself to start counting my blessings in order to keep my head in Happyville.  Or Obliviousville.  Whichever.

And then it came to me...what to do in honor of the one hundredth posting of Tales From Tales Up. 

The following is a list of One Hundred Things I Love And/Or Am Thankful For.  In no particular order. 

And please note that some of the things i am thankful for, i do not necessarily like.  #35 for example.  I do not necessarily like, let alone LOVE broccoli, but am ever so thankful to have it for it's all around nutritional value.

Also note that some of the things i love, i do not actually possess at this time in my life, but have had in the past, and am certain that they belong on this list.  See #12.

This list is meant to be, to quote the very first post,  "a kind of funky prayer of thanksgiving to my Father for the Great Good Blessings He has bestowed upon me in this poop rich environment."

Which is what the entire blog is all about.

One Hundred Things I Love And/Or Am Thankful For (in no particular order)

#1   My Creator, His word, and His infinite mercy and grace
#2   My two legged babies
#3   My four legged babies
#4   Our homestead
#5   Freedom
#6   Central air conditioning  
#7   Paul Adeen, Boo, and the Other Brother, and their respective wives
#8   Mom, Aunt Lu, and Miss Trudy
#9   ALA, Mrs. H, and Dr. H
#10  Susan, dear Susan, who does all the research, shares her knowledge, and never complains about me riding her coattails
#11  The Crew (i am Especially Fond of each and every one of them)
#12  Clean, 600 thread count 100% cotton sheets (bump them up the list if someone else made the bed)
#13  Cars that start when you turn them on, particularly the ones with good air conditioning
#14  Friends.  All my amazing friends.  Especially the ones that play Ethel to my Lucy, never questioning my reasoning or motive, just trusting me, who then willingly bust tail to help me achieve the goal
#15  Superfluous shoes
#16  Books...all kinds of Books, and lots of them
#17  Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Thesaurus'
#18  The Best Friends Book Club, and those Beautiful Best Friends (it's all about the food)
#19  Bunco and The Bunco Babes 
#20  Dishwashers, washing machines, freezers and all machinery of luxury and convenience, including air conditioners
#21  Quiet, gentle rain
#22  Good health
#23  Good hair, and Debra that always cuts it just right
#24  All my Dogz, past present and future (originally included in #3, but upon further reflection, deserving of their own spot on the list.  Remember, the list is given in no particular order)
#25  Fresh pointy Sharpies, especially the kind you can put on your key chain
#26  Creative energy, regardless of it's source
#27  Hot water
#28  Brand new paper products and writing/drawing instruments
#29  Bodies of water, especially our "Little Gem," in which you can get in up to your nose, and look down and see your toes
#30  Kona coffee
#31  The angels that Father keeps sending me to get me through this life
#32  Chocolate
#33  Red wine
#34  Ozarka
#35  Broccoli
#36  Zorba the Greek, A Prayer for Owen Meany, Don Quixote, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Help, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, and anything by Robertson Davies or Michael Perry (see notation for #24)
#37  Central Air conditioning
#38  A pantry filled with rows and rows of home canned sustenance
#39  Cooking for and feeding my peeps
#40  Cream cheese and Eagle Brand Milk
#41  Little dogs grumbling because i am taking up too much space/blanket/pillow, or otherwise disturbing them--in my own bed
#42  Indian Runners running
#43  Springtime
#44  Fresh snow
#45  Travel 
#46  My daughter's artwork and stories
#47  My son's imagination and beautiful blue eyes
#48  The amazing sense of humor they both have
#49  My eyesight.  Such as it is.  And my hearing
#50  Chickory B eating a banana, a licorice whip, or any long, floppy food item
#51  Bawdy Maudy escaping her bonds to come see what i am doing
#52  The "Who Me?" look of complete innocence associated with #51
#53  Walking into a shop that is running the air conditioner full blast
#54  Central Market and Whole Foods Market
#55  Cookbooks, old and new
#56  Memories
#57  Games and puzzles
#58  The ability to learn to do anything i have ever really wanted to do
#59  Denim...heck, anything sturdy and cotton
#60  East Texas
#61  Bread
#62  My babies when they were babies (and now, too, of course)
#63  Tender red meat and baked potatoes
#64  Smooooooth scotch
#65  Fireflies
#66  Music
#67  Mechanical pencils
#68  Sleeping dogs--even better...dreaming dogs
#69  My barn full of hay
#70  Hurricane popcorn
#71  Big full long skirts with lots of pretty fabric that swirl around your ankles
#72  Our water filter
#73  Friends that turn the air conditioner up and point the vents directly toward me when i come in the room 
#74  Happy donuts
#75  The birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees, and all that stuff
#76  Fresh eggs
#77  The color "rainbow"
#78  Desdemona
#79  Hats with wide brims
#80  Old movies
#81  Peanut butter
#82  Peacock feathers
#83  Earl Grey tea, hot or iced
#84  Sonic ice
#85  Paved roads
#86  Letters in the mail
#87  Swimming
#88  The pony.  As deep as the steaming pile is in my life, there absolutely HAS to be a pony around here somewhere
#89  Thick, fluffy bath sheets
#90  Pot luck gatherings with lots of kids running around playing and hollering
#91  Dancing
#92  Booklights
#93  Knitting
#94  The Momma Chair
#95  Pearls
#96  Beautiful wood and woodwork
#97  Jacuzzi tubs
#98  Spending the night in a hotel
#99  Air conditioning
#100 My friends and family that check into this forum to see what is happening in our world, and for their comments and inspiration.  Keeps me on task, so that some day i will have a lovely volume to present to my babies, so they will never forget how much their momma loves them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!