Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ellie May's 4H Poultry Story: Epilogue

So there you have it. 

Ellie worked long and hard on that story, and was rewarded with a first place medal for the district judging.  At the awards banquet, she also received a trophy for livestock judging (i forget the particulars,) then received the Silver Star award (only one recipient each year.)

Jethro received the Clover Kid award (one recipient each year for the kids that are active but ineligible for contests due to age) and the Outstanding Camper award.  He got that one for bravery.  At the summer camp that year, they had a contraption set up that was about three stories high.  They would strap the kids into a harness, have them climb up the three story ladder to a platform, then would sort of swing them out over the lake.  It was very scary looking.  I wouldn't have done it.  Jethro, being his mama's child, didn't want to do it.  The story I heard is that the kids and adults in his group spent a lot of time talking him into the harness and up the ladder.  He tried to back out before they swung him, but the signals didn't reach the operator in time, and he went flying.  As he was sailing out over the lake, he screamed, "I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!"  I was mortified when i heard this, but the leaders assured me it was not a contemptuous scream, and they all understood he was just scared, and had laughed about it.  Several months later, Jethro conceded that it had been kind of fun, but he had no desire to do it again.  That's ma boy!

Note:  There was a fingers in the nose picture in the award picture series.  Uncle Boo strikes again.

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