Monday, July 25, 2011

Bomb Shelters

How do you survive a heat wave when all you have to wear is a heavy fur coat?

You dig a nice deep hole, and then every time you go back to it, you dig a little deeper, to get to the cool dirt. 

Kinda like flipping your pillow to the cool side, i suspect.

Ralph started this one back in June.  His July 4th Hot Dog picture was taken when he was in this hole.  It is in the loaf shed in the sweet gum pen, so when he is in this hole, he has a view of the entire doe yard and barn, buck yards, and most of the chicken and brooder yards.  From his vantage point, he can relax and yet still remain on duty.

The second shelter to turn up gives the boyz a view of the entire pasture, staying out of the sun, yet remaining on duty.

From this picture, i suppose you can see why i got Jed a T-shirt that says:  You know you are a redneck when people passing your house confuse it with Jim Ed's Used Cars and Appliances.
This one turned up next.  Jewels is inspecting the den that goes way under the house, and affords sentry view of the road.

George was not happy about Jewels invading his space, and quickly came and reclaimed it before Jewels could take over.*

I didn't finish taking the pictures before George came back...had wanted to put a yardstick in the hole for perspective.  I tried to put it in with him, but George wasn't too impressed.  I think you get the idea, though.

This is how the boys are surviving the heat.

Here is how Ruby is surviving...

*While Ralph is the more muscular of the two boyz, George is the dominant one.  George does a lot of trash talking, and Ralph is very subservient, to the point of dropping his dinner if George says so.  George holds this sway over Ruby and Maka, as well.  Jewels, however, is another story. 

When we have plenty of milk for the table, we give the extra to the animals.  About a week ago, Ellie set milk out for the boyz.  Ralph started drinking, until George came up and growled at him.  Ralph backed away, and George began drinking.  Jewels then came up and stuck her nose in the bowl.  King George then growled at Jewels, who promptly nipped George's nose and gave a word of warning.  Guess which 125 lb dog backed away and watched quietly while the 12 lb (...ok, 15 lb) Queen drank her fill?

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