Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Off to another family gathering this weekend, this time to celebrate a 50th Anniversary.  Isn't that wonderful?  I am so amazed that two people can live together for that long and not kill each other.  Or at least cause bodily damage.

Uncle Boo will be there, so let's see if there will be a "finger in the nose" picture to share, or if i finally shamed all three of them into cease and desist.

Note of interest:  When digging the hole the other day, it was noted that at 6 feet deep, the ground is BONE dry.  This is whatcha call a drought, fellers.

Because we are all scurrying around trying to get out of here, i am going to leave you with these two little tidbits from The Crew. 

Baas has figured out how to make the most amazing breakfast cookie...she took one third of the Granola recipe i shared a while back, added two eggs and a cup of flour, then baked them.  She has a mess o' babies, so she makes her cookies "family sized," and the ones i saw were the size of hockey pucks (or at least air hockey pucks, <<wink>>) and one of those and a glass of milk was the equivalent of a bowl of oatmeal, if you ask me.

And Breezy stumped me with the following riddle that was concocted in her own little mind:

note:  you have to abandon all discussion of the misleading term "pre-" historic, one of my favorite arguments ;o)

Q:  What do you get when you cross prehistoric man with a Nomad?

A:  Meanderthal

Y'all take care, i'll talk atcha next week.

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