Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wild First Week

Let's getcha caught up...

Earl and Pearl have been moved out to the brooder house for the most part.  They still have Pantry Privileges on frosty nights. 
Earl's eyesight is somewhat better, but not good enough that she should be turned out into the general population. 
Pearl remains her constant companion, and sleeps under Earl's wing.  It is so cute.  Pearl does have the annoying habit of chirping in her sleep.  All night long.   So it has to be REALLY cold for us to let them come in at night.

We lost Legacy this week.  I ate a banana and had a smoke at the burn barrel in her honor.  Woulda scratched my belly on the legs of the stool, but it fell apart last summer. 
She was a special light, and is missed.  Susan did a really cool tribute on her blog, titled "Legacy's Legacy."
OF COURSE it is perfectly logical that Chickory Blossom and Baudy Maudy are progeny of the coolest goat ever. 
But here is a small confession...i had blocked from my brain the fact that Cherry has ties to the same line.  Am thinking that i woulda left that tidbit off the list....i mean...CHERRY??!!!!???  We could have at least found a more attractive picture, to put the legacy in the best light. 

Speaking of Chickory, Ellie May went out to the doe yard wearing her coveralls.  They are the kind that have zippers all over the place. 
Remember how i told you that Chickory likes to pull strings and untie things?  She has now discovered zippers.  It seems she unzipped a long zipper, then looked at Elly.  Elly zipped it back up.  Chickory unzipped again.  Elly zipped.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Then Chickory just kept zipping and unzipping it herself.  Elly said she did it for the longest time, just zzzzzt zzzzzt zzzzzzt zzzzzt zzzzzzt zzzzzzt zzzzzt zzzzzzzzt  up and down and up and down and up and down.
May have given you bad advice about the Velcro.  That may well be next.
Such a smart goatie!

Ralph has made a full recovery, and all dogs are on duty.  You have been warned.

Another reason to love love love the Custome Home.  I have just realized that it is IMPOSSIBLE to take a single step in this house without the floor creaking or groaning.  It is rather perturbing when you are trying to be quiet, but on the up side, we have entered the teen years full on, and i remember those days (i just can't remember what day it is NOW.)  Won't be any sneakin' in or out of THIS house!!!!

My sister-in-law gave us this very groovy coffee pot, so everyone has stayed fully caffeinated for the last two weeks.  Am not sure how much longer i can take it.  They are wearin' me out!

Headed to Susan Dear Susan's today to burn heads...Ren and Lucy got their birthin' out of the way early (guess there were some Happy Thoughts up north, as well) and the babies are due for disbudding.

Know there is more, but have to get ready to off load another 20 bales of hay here in a minute. 
That'll get us through another week.

1 comment:

Queenacres said...

Glad to see everyone yesterday! By the way can you imagine if we had a goat that combined Chickory's brains with Faith's?

Hmm...better not...we might end up with an Earl in a goat suit.