Friday, October 14, 2011

Sparkin' Sparta

Get a good look at this guy.

He might just go to freezer camp before it is all over with.

Plus, along about March 11, we may be having a whole bunch more that look just like him.

Remember when i said he was getting out of the buck pen and i couldn't find the breach in the fence?

That would be because there isn't one.

We have another Sail Goat.
Only this one is fixin' to be a Sale Goat.

As in For Sale.

I had decided he must be jumping, but had no proof.  I still have not SEEN him jump, but a couple of days ago, the 12th to be precise, we had to drag him out of the doe pen three times.  
He was in there sparkin' the girls. 
 And the stinkin' does were standing in line.
Buncha hussies.

So much for my breeding plans for this year. 

I laugh at Susan Dear Susan every year. 
Susan LOVES making breeding plans.
She pretty much starts on the next years breeding plans as soon as all that years kids are on the ground.
Each year she spends hours and hours running pedigrees and genetic probability charts. 
We spend hours on the phone hashing over options and possibilities.
Charts and graphs are prepared.
Decisions are labored over.

And then a buck jumps the fence.

And i laugh.

This year it is my turn.

From this point forward, i will be referring to all breeding plans as

Happy Thoughts.

Because that is about all they ever are.

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