Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Goatie Food, And The Puppy Milk Program

Every now and then i get lucky and find big bags of clearance produce CHEEEEEP.  Around these parts, it is known as Hog Food.  But since we don't keep hogs at Tails Up, we know it as Happy Goatie Food.  This particular day i got about 25# of grapes, 5# of cucumbers, and a bunch of bananas for $4.  Not only Happy Goaties but Happy Me, too!
This is very timely for us.  We have been trying to give an extra boost to the does nutrition because we have had to press them back into service.  They were just about dried off for the season--except for Chickory B who is on an 18 month lactation--when The Baas received The Gift That Keeps On Giving.  Somebody dumped an Australian Stumpy Tailed Cattle Dog (look that one up...This dog puts the UGH! in UGLY.  They call her Hyena dog) in their neighborhood, and she promptly crawled under The Krew's house and gave them 10 puppies.  Then she took a hike. 

The Baas sent The Petite Delicate Flower in to drag them all out, and they have commenced hand feeding everyone.  Mama dog turned back up, but is not in good health, and not expected to survive.  So Chickory B and Becky have volunteered for the Puppy Milk Program (i say volunteered~i had to ante up bananas and apples, The Baas promised animal cookies and Twizzlers.)  Apparently the puppies are satisfied with the arrangement, having, according to Baas, "no qualms whatsoever and were holding up small score cards with 9.3 and up.  They are young dogs and were having trouble getting the cards up while they were eating cause you know they couldn’t do it after what with all the milk-induced comas going on."  She swears these are cute puppies, and i did see a cell phone picture of them and, well, to be honest, all i could see was black and white blobs, but we all know that there is no such thing as a puppy that ISN'T cute, at least according the The Petite Delicate Flower, anyway, so we are hoping they won't have any trouble finding homes for all TEN of them. 

Anybody want a PUPPY???

So there is today's public service announcement.

Now let's get back to these adorable goaties...

Can't you just almost taste those grapes yourself?

While bananas are a hands down favorite, cucumbers are a nice change of pace.
Plus they count as a "green thing,"  as in "eat a green thing every day."
Now they can skip the broccoli.

Cherry Blossom does not have a very discerning palate. 
 I thought maybe she was gonna dry this and burn it later,  but she ate it.
I'm tellin' ya, this goat is a freak. 
And a pig.
In a goat suit.
Come to think of it, i guess we should call it Hog Food here, too.


aprilof2 said...

Let's hear it for Chicory!!! I knew she was a special goatie but now i am personally indebted.

by Chickory Blossom said...

I'm sorry, did you not read two posts back? No indebtedness allowed. You KNOW this is just the way we do things in gotta need, we're on it. We are here to love and serve, ma'am!!

by Chickory Blossom said...

P.S. Such compliments, however, are gratefully accepted {blush}