Thursday, May 24, 2012

Do You MIND If We Dance Wiff Yo Dates?

The Bob's have been lonely guys since Isabell bit the dust.

When Susan Dear Susan came for her visit, she noted the depths of their despair.

Susan donated five girlie ducks to the cause. They are not runners, but look like them, except they are brown with white rather than white with brown, and rather than being goofballs, they are freakazoids. Can ya help us out here with the breed name, Susan?

When we get them to Tails Up, it is late at night, so Ellie May puts the crate on a trolley and parks it in the doe barn so everyone can get used to each other.

I go out first thing in the morning to release them, and find them plastered against the back wall of the crate, quacking like crazy.

Apparently, a sense of impending doom had overtaken them.

I wheeled the trolley out into the doe yard, and put the crate on the ground.   The Bob's were rallying together, chattering amongst themselves about what might possibly be in the crate making all that intriguing racket.

I opened the door to the crate, and the Barbara's (from this point forward to be known as "The Bab's) pensively emerged. As they egressed, the Bob's became more frenetic, but stayed in a swirly holding pattern, well away from any potential danger.

Finally all the Bab's were out, and one of the Bob's, Bob, ventured toward them,

 slowly scoping out the sitch-e-ation, taking a step, calling back a report to The Bob's, another step, and entreaty to join him, another step, and.......


Bob B-lined into the middle of The Bab's, and in less than thirty seconds had committed an offense that would have landed him five to ten in the poky if he had opposable thumbs.

The Bab's were, quite naturally, mortified and offended.  The Bob's were not quite sure what just happened.

For a while i thought they were gonna be friends...
Hey Girls, if we ignore them maybe they will go away
Don't go....
What are nice girls like you doing in a place like this?
What the heck are Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob and Bob doing over there, and WHO ARE THEY TALKING TO??!!??

...then they spent the rest of the day in groups on opposite sides of the doe yard, like a bunch of teenagers at a sockhop in the high school gymnasium.

The next morning, The Bob's were all over the place, and The Bab's were nowhere to be seen.

I tracked them down in the sweetgum pen, gathered all five in one arm (this is where you are supposed to be impressed) and took them out to the pond and tossed them in.

They seemed to enjoy this, but later that afternoon had disappeared again.

Not sure where The Bab's are hanging out, but we spot them every now and then, and sometimes hear them raising a ruckus.

Am thinking of getting The Bob's some Old Spice, and the Bab's some chamomile tea and a pink pool. Don't quite know what else to do to remedy the impasse.

1 comment:

Queenacres said...

Hopefully they will get together and be prolific. The girls are Buff Orpington ducks. Guess you could call one of the Babs Buffy. LOL