Monday, April 30, 2012

We're Kidding, No Kidding 2012 Is Officially Over

Yes, Becky the Bad was bred.

Her practical jokes just never seem to end.

All that fuss and crankiness and bellowing netted us this...

A buck.  A lonely buck.  A singleton buck. A solo buck.  Uno bucko.

Just one kid.

One male kid, just in case you didn't get that.

Little sucker weighed in at 10 1/4 pounds, and took a 12 oz bottle for his first feeding.

If that doesn't astound you, let me give you a point of reference:  most kids take 4-6 oz for the first feeding.  Sometimes 8.  But we have NEVER had one take 12 oz.

Can you say "Freezer Camp?"

Two legged kids handled kid care on their own again...

He has been named Persimmon Bread, in honor of that which ALA makes, since she chose the name theme this year.  And also because Persimmons can be rather sour, which is a nod to Becky's personality.  Barn name will be Persy.

So, kidding season is officially over.
Final Count:  2 does, 4 bucks.

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