Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Sigh Of Relief

Am happy to report that this has been a much better day for Chickory B.  Yesterday was filled with concern, as Chickory was not at all herself.
Not that i expected her to be bright and chipper after the events of the evening before.

But still...

When Chickory doesn't eat all day, refuses cookies, raisins, carrots, and bananas, and the only hay that entered her mandibles was used to pick her teeth, there is cause for concern.

I had to force her to stand to let me milk her, and you could tell that she would much rather have been munching on saw grass on a beach somewhere.

She spent the day curled up in a corner, crying. 

And the teeth grinding thing.

That is the one that really wrenches the gut, not only because of the "fingernails on chalkboard" effect, but because it is a sign of goats being in pain and distress.

And nobody can grind 'em like Chickory B.

This morning, however, i was met at the gate with boisterous chatter and a demand for her turn on the milking stand.


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