Friday, March 9, 2012

Progress Report

Pleased to inform you that both babes are progressing nicely.

Bing is doing very well, wouldn't know he was early except for his size.  Nice appetite, getting up and standing on his own, then milling around the pen and not falling down when he steps on sister.  Is now capable doing his bidness outside after meals (wooo hoooo!!!)

Tart is also improving.  Still very vocal, and still has great appetite.  Hooves are getting solid.  Still has monkey lips.  Holds her head up on her own, and is looking around more.  She is now able to pull her upper body up to a certain degree, and this morning was able to loco mote her way out from under her bumbling brother.

Which is a very good thing.

Yesterday, i was having visions of a Stephen Hawking goat...wheeling herself around in a wheelchair telling us all how the world works, whether she is right or not.

Right after i had this thought, Jed came through, looked at the limp dish rag goat i was trying to feed and asked, "Is this gonna be a quadriplegic goat?  Do i need to be looking for a wheelchair?"

Fortunately, today, i don't think that is gonna be necessary.  She just needs some time to catch up and a lot of TLC.

Many thanks to The Baas and Krew that came by and brought a baby gift--Twizzlers for the new mother.  Jethro and Cherry were both delighted with the remembrance.

1 comment:

Queenacres said...

I am just trying to figure out how you managed to get the iodine on Cherry.

Glad to here things are moving along!