Saturday, June 11, 2011

They're Here!! They're Here!!!!

And oh, my goodness, are they ever CUTE!!!!! 

Picked up the Indian Runner Ducklings last nite from Susan, dear Susan.  They are MUCH bigger than i anticipated...have been trying to think of how to describe them to you...they are almost a double handful of yellow fluff with huge ol' feet and a long neck sticking out.  And those beaks!  The beaks are about two inches long, but not yellow yet.  And the eyes.....they just kill me.

The special one?  It's crested.  TOOOO FUNNY!!! That is just going to add to the goofy look when they get older. 

Have taken a couple of pictures.  Will try again to get the pics on here, but you know what a struggle that is for me.  Otherwise, you are gonna have to wait until i get back to Susan's.

Still need to name them.  In keeping with the runner theme, Susan suggested Bruce Jenner, so am thinking one will be Bruce and another Jenny (don't forget we are hoping for females, here.)  Susan also informed me that the Joyner lady was Jackie Joyner Kersey.  And Baas said they used to call Florence Joyner "FloJo."  I was thinking this was a good name for the crested one, but Jethro has named it Samuel, reserving Samantha, if needed.  Not sure why Samuel, but not going to argue.  When Jethro feels strongly about these things, i just go with him.  Even if it looks like a Fro duck to me.

When you scare the duckies, they stretch their necks out and run to a corner of the cage, all of their beaks fitting in about a six inch diameter circle, their bodies fanning out from there.  They just THINK they are making the target smaller.

Took them for a swim in the kiddie pool this afternoon, and they were just hysterical diving and flapping their little winglets.  Did you know that a duckling can drown?  I didn't.  Susan said they get waterlogged.  It isn't until they get their feathers and "waterproof" them with oil from a gland by their tail that they are out of danger of drowning.  The preening is actually spreading the oil to the feathers.  Which would explain why water rolls off a ducks back.

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