Monday, June 13, 2011

Meet Bob

Here is where we wound up on the ducky names....

Samuel/Samantha somehow became Isabelle. 

The runt is Bruce (Jenner)

The rest are named Bob.

One of our favorite baby book authors was (is) Sandra Boynton.  Loved every one of them, couldn't pick a favorite.  Turns out, since my babies were babies, Sandra and the Bacon Brothers have put out an album called "Philadelphia Chickens,"  way, WAY fun if you ever run across it.  One of the songs is about the singers pets, and they are all named Bob.  He has a dog named Bob, a cat named Bob, a turtle named Bob, and three hamsters named Bob, Bob, and Bob.  Yes, Mackerel, i know that isn't exactly how it goes, but i am old and infirm, it is late, and everyone gets the idea.

We can't tell whether they are male or female, and aside from the crested one and the runt, they all look alike.  Therefore, they are all named Bob.

This evening we got a couple of dozen baby chicks, all different breeds, some of everything.  And our mama hen has hatched out two chick in last two days. 

One of mama hen's chicks is named Edgar.

Guess what the rest of them are named?


Sarah Colt said...

Allen and Poe????
Jay and Hoover???
Candice and Bergin????

aprilof2 said...

....and my turtle Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the Third.
Annoying as ever,
The Mackerel.

Anonymous said...

love the edgar names, happy, but we must also include Charlie and McCarthy!! lol

Mackerel, darling, you are NEVER annoying. Pesky, maybe, but not annoying.