Saturday, April 2, 2011

Moon Man

They start out like this.....bucklings are so cute and sweet and loving.  This is Chasing High Full Moon when he was about 9 or 10 months old, right after his first hair cut.   He loves me.  This was before he discovered the does.

Then they become this.  We don't have smellivision installed here, but trust me, he is now very odoriferous.    At least the girls think he smells good, and that is really all that matters.  And he does make very nice babies.  This is not a very good picture of him, in several respects, but it does show his size...he is standing in front of four foot field fencing.

This is Moon's "rut face."  Once again, not terribly attractive to the two legged girls around here, but he drives the four leggeds wild.  And he is still sweet and loving.  I just don't really want to kiss him any more.

When Moon is in his off season, he serves as Jethro's trusty mount for hunting expeditions.


Fig Forest said...

Is that Buttercup in the background?

by Chickory Blossom said...

Yupperdoodle. Old picture.