Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Hot

It is really, REALLY hot here. 

Mackerel and The Baas came by to pick up a couple of bales of hay a few minutes ago (i guess they didn't pick them up enough last month or something,) and Mackerel helped Ellie unload 500#'s of feed from the Farm Buick while they were here (Thank You Mackerel, hunny, for letting me abuse you yet again.)

I wasn't outside but about ten minutes, and i didn't do anything but point and give orders.

By the time i got inside i was drenched and dripping in sweat.

I walked in the house, and wilted into a chair.  Ellie May walked by, patted my hand and said,  "Hell will freeze over before Texas does, Mama."  Truer least it feels that way this summer.

Couple of days ago, i overheard an older lady from somewhere up north correcting a younger woman from around here, telling her that "Ladies don't sweat, dear, they glisten." 

Obviously those fancy broads from north of the Red River got some kind of special dispensation from our Maker on that issue, 'coz down here, we sweat.

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