In the meantime, just know that it is still hot.
The heat really zaps me, so am planning my days around my naps.
Go outside for a round of chores, come in and pass out.
Go back out to fill mangers, come back in and pass out.
Go outside to feed the dogs, come back in and pass out.
And in addition, the UV rays are frying my brain, or at least causing some kind of heat sink that is slowing down synapse function. Can't stay vertical long enough to compose a couple of paragraphs for ya.
The other part of the problem is the Summer Bizzies. Averaging three trips to town a day the last 6 weeks, getting everyone to their appointed activities. The Gas Nazi is coming unglued at the seams.
Will make it up to you about the second week in August, though, when i will finally be able to reveal one of the time consuming projects happening in this house. Will be worth the wait. (I'm SOOOO excited!! <<giggle giggle>>)
How about i leave you with a couple of pictures of one of our survivor chicks? I believe these are called "Golden Lace Top Hats" aka Polish. I saw some of these a couple of years ago and tried to get them for Ellie, but was out of luck. Turns out there were two in the straight run we got from Susan dear Susan. They move faster than i do, so don't have the shot i want yet, but maybe you will still get a laugh from their silly headdress. Chickens aren't really my thing, but these are quite beautiful, even if all you can see is afro and beak.

Great, just great, how am I supposed to survive that long!!!
Well, sister, i suggest you grab an adult beverage and a good book.....CB
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