Friday, October 26, 2012

Containment Issues That Lead To Happy Thoughts

Ya know we have a visiting buck.

Ya know that i have ALWAYS had a soft spot for Ditto.

I want Moon back.

Susan SWEARS that Ditto is a sweet and gentle buck, the lowest key buck in her herd.

Let me just tell  you about Ditto.

Moon and i have a great relationship.  Lots of face time.  We get practically nose to nose, and talk to each other.  I scratch the spot he can't reach behind his scurs, and he gives me kissy lips.  I like to believe that he enjoys this pastime as much as i do.  Moon occasionally sneezes during our talks, but they are usually small, controlled sneezes, usually to punctuate a thought, and he almost always turns his head.

Ditto and i have been making friends the last couple of weeks, gaining mutual trust, etc.   However, it would seem that Ditto left his good boy manners back at Queenacres.  The other day, we were standing at the fence, finally having our first real face to face...practically nose to, and in the big middle of it, Ditto gave a HUGE, very BUCKLY goatie sneeze.

Goat snot, AAAALLLLL over my face.
Couldn't even see out of my glasses.

I have NEVER been slimed like that, before.

So there is that.

Now, we all know why Ditto is here.
He has only one job, and he has set out to do it well.

I was managing to keep things under control.
For a very short period of time.

HRH The Princess Gidget was bred, and the date was recorded.
Maud was bred, and the date was recorded.

Three days ago, i went out to do the morning barn chores, and Ditto was in the doe pen.
Upon inspection, it was discovered that Ditto took out a portion of fence and a very sturdy gate.
It was one of those days when there was no time for major repairs, so i tied everything back together with baling twine, secure enough to make it all do until i could get a proper fix on things, and then i separated the herd, so Ditto would have no reason to go fence hopping again.  Ditto and the four milky girls were left in the doe pen, and everyone that didn't need a date with Ditto were shuffled off to the buck pen with Lancieboy.  That would be Peaches, HRH, Cherry and the freezer camp kids.

Yesterday, things were fine in the morning.  I had to be away again all day, and when i got home in time to do evening barn chores, i walked out to the doe pen and counted noses.

Hmmmmm.  One nose short.

I looked over to the buck pen, and what do i see?

Ditto, hard at work.

Yet again, a Cherry Bomb.

Couldn't believe it.
Another section of fence was demolished.

I give.

So, we here at Tails Up are back to the "Tigger Method" of family planning.  Once again, we have had to throw open the gate, and hope for the best.

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