Monday, September 26, 2011

Y'all Miss Me?

Well, i sure miss you.  Been a wild ride around these parts.

Have had a few things going on.  Some of it happy and productive, some of it just a part of life.  All of it taking up lots of time.

Couple of highlights include two days at Susan Dear Susan's house canning chicken noodle soup with home made pasta (my right arm now has a Popeye look due to cranking the pasta maker all one afternoon.)

We have also spent a lot of time trying to figure out where the breach in the fence is that Sparta is using as an escape hatch.  It would seem that he has discovered girls, and swings by to hang out in the kid pen that goes into the doe barn three or four times a day.  AWwwww, isn't that cute?  Not really.  He is becoming rather manly (read:  smelly) and i have breeding plans that do not include him this year!!!  His other hang out is in the south  pasture.  On the up side, all the time in the south field is making him fat, which is great because i am about to decide that he is jumping the fence, so sooner or later he will be to big to clear the top (i hope.)  And if he doesn't clear it, i won't have to worry about the time he spends with the girls, anyway.  If he is jumping, he is being crafty about it.  Waits until we turn our backs.  At least Maud is honest about her shenanigans.  She looks you right in the eye as she clears the fence.

In other news, Sancho required extra love and attention for a couple of days.  He was braying at a slightly higher pitch, and swishing his tail a lot, looking toward is backside like, "Hey!! Something just isn't quite right, here!!"

The bovine hot tub is all but dry--there is more water in the pink pool, so Ellie May shooed Jesse and Owens into the duck yard with Isabell and the Bobs.  Isabell kinda rolled her eyes.  Poor girl.

Have been getting the two legged kids in the swing of school work again, and that is always fun.  Ellie May does her thing, but i have to sit on Jethro.  This generally takes a chunk out of one's day that could be spent on manicures or admiring one's shoe collection.

This is just skipping a rock over the surface of the lake that is my life right now...just enough to whet your appetite for whatever is going to pop out of my brain next time i get to sit down at the keyboard.  Been doing a lot of driving, and unfortunately TxDot frowns on typing while navigating their roads, so i have not been able to put down my many thoughts in post form, and most of the ones i have thought of have evaporated into some kind of mist, anyway.  Sorry, guys.

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