Saturday, September 22, 2012

Name That Critter

Ellie May and i are sitting around trying to think of a name for the quail. 

Oh, we have quail, now, by the way.  Got them a couple of weeks ago. 

I have been writing the post to share pics and tell the story and all that, and am kinda draggin' my feet 'coz i haven't named them yet.  Been searchin' for just the right moniker.

Tough to do.  Has to fit, ya know.

Anyway, Ellie May and i are sitting here batting around possibilities, looking for a good set of names that make us smile, like The Bob's and The Bab's does.

Problem is, we keep coming up with reruns...

"How about the George and Georgia's?"

"No, we have one of those."

"They like to take dust baths, how about Sandy's and Dusty's?"

"No, there will never be another Dusty."

"What about Jake's and Judy's"

"Used that before."

You are getting the picture, here.

Who knew we were so uncreative, and had been through so many animals that we would have trouble giving them a name?

From now on, i think we are just gonna start calling everybody Pat.


Queenacres said...

Pat's not bad. Think about it, patty cake, hamburger patty, sausage patty.....

Anonymous said...

Try Louie and Luetta.