Saturday, May 14, 2011

Visualize Whirled Peas...And My Pictures

I repeat.  It isn't EASY, and it doesn't like to SHARE

Guess what i have been trying to do.

Add to this the fact that apparently the SPACE button on this keyboard bit the dust.

Why does it all go haywire when i have great stories to tell?

And why isn't there enough milk to make cheese to go with my whine?

Oh well, we will all have to use our imaginations, and you all will have to forgive the spacing issues, if i fail to catch and correct them.

Okay, for the first picture, i want you to imagine a 2 1/2 gallon bucket, filled with eggs.  Wow!! Where did all those eggs come from??  Have you ever seen such a BIG bucket of EGGS???!!!

One of the things about free ranging chickens is that every day is like an easter egg hunt.  They lay all over the place, and do it in places deemed by these birds of little brain to be safe from predators.  Why they do not use the nesting boxes (provided at great expense, i might add) is a mystery.  Every so often, they pick a good spot, and it takes us a few days to figure out where they are laying.  The last couple of weeks, we have been finding fewer and fewer eggs each day.  I keep sending the children out to hunt, but we weren't having much luck.

Yesterday, i finally found the hiding spot.  Boy did i find the spot.  At the very bottom of the girl's hay manger.  They lay in there all the time--i collect from the manger every day.  But now they are burying them.  Our mangers are built to hold an entire square bale at a time.  This time of year, it takes about a week to ten days for the girls to go through a bale...they can do it in a day in the dead of winter...and i reload before it gets empty, so i don't often see the bottom of the manger.  This time, i was fluffing up the last of a bale and saw a couple of eggs, then started digging in the shake at the bottom, and dug out 5 1/2 dozen eggs.  Anyone for omelettes?  Fortunately, the day before, i discovered a recipe for Jalapeno Egg Salad at the Homesick Texan blog.  Go look that one up, it is amazing!!  Whoda thunk it, jalapenos in egg salad!!

The second picture to visualize is of Sancho and Osama standing nose to nose.  Sancho is braying, and Osama has his ears pinned back.  Sancho had run up on Osama, honking all the way.  As you know, Osama holds very little besides disdain for all of us, especially Sancho.  Osama assumed the warning stance, pinning his ears back.  Silly old Sancho was too busy talking trash to notice, i guess, and next thing ya know, Osama cut loose, spitting like he had been saving up for a month.  Sancho just shook his head and backed away respectfully.

And now, can you see the picture of Jewels that shows the lovely little brisket she has developed recently? Isn't she cute?

Let's not fail to imagine the picture of Maud taking on Cherry Blossom.  They were both reared up on back legs preparing to head butt each other.  Not sure who won.  Cherry is pretty obnoxious, but Maud ain't skeered a nuthin',  and i don't recall seeing a kid take on a yearling before. Where is Ren when we need her?  Somebody better put this whipper snapper in her place, and quick, or we will have to send her to Queenacres Boot Camp.

Now, let's all visualize a huge pile of Federal Reserve Notes stacked up on our coffee table. 
That one didn't work for me, either.
Oh well.  A girl's gotta try.


Queenacres said...

Those big buckets of once hidden eggs are a dream come true for our piggie...especially if they have been hidden for a lonnng time and out in the hot sun. Ick.

Sarah said...

Erin......I LOVE your blog! I also miss you in backgammon. You ever coming back?????

Sarah (happycamperfla)

by Chickory Blossom said...

I sneak in every now and then, Sarah. Spend my lolling about time writing, these days. When ya gonna come see me? Hugz to the girlz!!