Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Anatolian Shepherds--Guardians and Retrievers

The Boyz are usually passed out in the back yard by the time i leave to swim in the mornings.

This morning, they were still on duty when i pulled out.

The cows were in the pasture to the left of these shots, and The Boyz were making sure they didn't cross any lines. 

All i could see were a couple of heads.

George was out in the middle of the pasture...
 And Ralph was up by the road....
 I feel so safe.

Susan has a great story about her Anatolian, Aegis, brother to these guys.  I have waited for days for her to tell it, but she is all wrapped up in aquaponics right now (!!!!) so i guess i gotta tell it for her.

It would seem that when Susan goes to feed and water the quail, there is one of them that considers it his duty to fly out of the cage and wait patiently at her feet for the bed to be turned down and a mint placed on the pillow.  When she is done in the cage, Susan scoops him up and deposits him back in his suite.  One evening, the tasty little morsel decided to go walkabout while he was waiting on room service, and scooted through the fence into the neighbors yard. 

Susan gathered her handy shepherd's crook, and began the trek through all the gates and around the fencing to the neighbor's yard.  As she approached, the morsel scooted back where he belonged.  Susan headed home.  Before she even got to the gates, the morsel tries to make another escape.  Susan goes back into the neighbor's yard, and the morsel skinnies through the fence again, this time taking flight. 

Just as Susan is thinking, "Oh great, he is gone, now,"  Aeg comes out of nowhere, jumps up and catches the quail in mid-air.

Susan says, "Aegis!  That is MY quail!"

Aeg trots over to her and deposits a pristine, unharmed, unruffled, dry quail in Susan's hand.

Ya gotta love those dogs.

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