Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Skagway, Part I

Am still chasing my tail around these parts.

I tell ya, sometimes it just doesn't pay to play.


(That would be CAPITALIZED, BOLD, Italicized, and Underlined in bright red letters.)

This trip was SOOOooo worth the game of catsup.

The only problem is that i am having trouble finding the time to write, and am anxious to tell some stories, plus, there is stuff goin' on around here we gotta talk about...i still can't believe Earl is gone {stupid chicken,} and momma hen has turned up with another dozen chicks, Percy is way more annoying than Snippy EVER was, Maud keeps getting stuck in the keyholes of the manger because Chickory has been giving her the battering ram treatment, Jethro is off on an adventure and hopes
to be taking eight baths a day...you see what i mean?  And to top it all off, i really had planned on putting up a box of peaches, but am seeing the season slip away before i can get to it.

So here is what we are gonna do...

Today i am gonna give ya a couple of pictures taken from the White Pass and Yukon Route Train trip, and later i am gonna sit down and tell you about it (with some pictures,) and then i am gonna give you some more pictures (a couple of times, probably.)

I am torn as to what my favorite part of the trip was, it is between the train trip and something else (savin' it,) but i think it was the train trip (until i get to thinkin' about somethin' else.)  As previously mentioned, i took about 20 bizillion pictures, mostly from the back platform, and just can't decided which i like best.

Might just post them all.


Train + Waterfall...think i didn't just about come unhinged?

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