Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cherry Bomb

Well, it appears to be pretty much a sure thing that the incomparable Cherry Blossom has "that certain glow."  As in With Kid.

I am cringing, and Ellie May is snickering and singing "Jethro has to mi-ilk, Jethro has to mi-ilk!"

'Coz that's the deal.  I told him, if that goat gets bred, it is gonna be his project--kid care, milking, the whole kit and caboodle.

So now Jethro is like a doting and concerned new parent.  A while ago i handed him a couple of pieces of stale cinnamon roll (i know, HOW did THAT happen??!!!!) to give Cherry for a treat (read: to get her to quit whining on the back porch.)  Jethro had a concerned, thoughtful moment before asking, "Are you sure she can have that?"  I said, "Well, yeah."  He says, "Even if she is pregnant?"

What?  Like we are worried she's gonna get fat?  That would certainly make for an unattractive goat.  I can see it all now...Cherry running through the pasture...hocks knockin', parrot mouth bobbin', and udder draggin' the ground.

My fear is now that he is gonna wanna keep the kid.  Remember what happened the last time i told Jethro not to get attached?  The attachment is fixin' to give us a kid (notice i did not use the plural.)

Heaven forbid we should try to send it to freezer camp.

The joke there is that about two weeks ago, Jethro wanted to watch "Food Inc.," a documentary about the mass production of food.  I knew it was a mistake to let him watch it, but also want him to understand what is going on out in the real world.  After watching it, we had a long conversation about what we saw, and how it related to what we are trying to do here.  Long story short, Jethro has decided he doesn't want to eat any meat that we didn't produce ourselves.  While i am proud of his conviction, am finding it a bit of a pain in the patootie.  We are total carnivores around here, and produce as much as we can, but are not quite to the "totally self-sustaining" stage yet.  Frankly, i don't know that i have the stamina to get there.

So now i have a Jack Spratt sitch-e-ation.  One child will eat no meat, and the other will eat no veg.

And i am back to looking for a cow.

On the up side, Jethro has a much better understanding of what we are trying to do here, and i have not heard a single complaint about the workload and animal care since the viewing.

Thank goodness he didn't fully comprehend the GMO thing...or we would be pullin' poke and yard onions to feed him.

1 comment:

Queenacres said...

YAY Jethro! He will eat it if it comes from us though, right? If'n yall were pork eatin folk imagine the hog that boy could raise! It might have an extra ear and an extra curl in it's tail but by golly I bet it'd be tasty!