Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas, Every One

Earl Update:  Earl is doing well, and enjoying her advanced status of invalid house chicken, which has allowed her to remain indoors full time for the last week.  She has been out for a couple of forays into the kitchen and dining area (no carpet,) and it appears that her eyesight is repairing to a certain extent.  She still does not have great vision, but is now finding the food and water bowls on her own, and as of day before yesterday, was jumping up to roost on the top edge of the tub she has been living in for the last several days.  Last nite she was wandering around the dining area and tried to jump up on one of the chairs, so we put a towel on the back to allow her to get a grip, and she settled in for a good 15 minutes and watched as i prepared dinner.  Earl dropped about 4 bombs before i finally had enough (not to worry, she was plenty far enough away from the food prep area) and send her back to her tub, where she pleaded and cajoled for a bit before finally giving up and going to sleep.  She continues to improve, and we (i) remain hopeful that she will some day return to the yard.

We at Tales Up Homestead wish you all a wonderful holiday. 
Enjoy the time with your families. 
Make some memories. 
Eat too much. 

Blessed is the Season
That unites the
Whole World
In a conspiracy
Of Love.

Merry Christmas

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