Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Luck, Be A Lady

I went in for my morning swim and the girls were all atwitter.  Seems the weather dude forcasted a 30% chance of rain for the next five days.

In other parts of the world, people go, "30%? Bah Humbug!  Pack us a picnic Marge, we're headed to the lake!"

Here we get out our umbrellas and look expectantly to the sky.

On to other excitement.

This was my Summer of Three.

I made three trips to town a day.
The two legged kids went through three sessions of swimming lessons.
We averaged three trips to the library each week.
I only ran the canner three times.
I had three pairs of shorts.
Three pairs of shoes (sneakers, flip flops on their third summer, and a pair of mud boots.  HA!!! Like i needed those!)
Three pair of socks.
There were other threes as well, but i won't risk embarrassing myself by discussing my drollies.

The most annoying three was the socks.  I got bent out of whack about a month ago, to the day, because, once again, i had no clean socks.  Found a twofer sale, and bought two six-packs of socks.  That would be twelve pairs of socks.  All different colors, so i would know which one was missing.

This morning--barely a month later--i go to put on my shoes and socks, and whaddaya know....I find A pair of socks and about six singles.  Where did they all go?  I don't leave my socks laying around...i put them directly into the laundry pile.  Is there really a sock monster living in the washing machine???  I don't even think i ever wore the orange ones....This is the great mystery of life.

Einstein wasted his life and genius on all that math crap.  If he had REALLY wanted to serve mankind, he would have figured out were all the socks go.