Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lawn Warrior

Testosterone overload.  Mud boots, army helmet, lawn mower and look of grim determination.  Doesn't get any more macho than that.

Spring has sprung in East Texas, and everything is soft and new, and a million shades of green.  The wild flowers are blooming to dot the fields with all kinds of color.  And the yard was ankle deep. 

Today Jed went out to fire up the ol' red pony just as Ellie May and i were starting a game of cards.  We invited Jethro to join us, but he declined, stating that he was gonna go help Dad mow the lawn.  I said, "Aw honey, have a seat, you have at least a week before he will have it running."  You see, every year, when it is time, or more likely, past time to cut the grass, Jed spends a week or two trying to get the lawn mower to work.  It is always something...spark plugs, wires, tires...i never know.  But the first cutting of the yard always involves at least three trips to Lowes and a bucket full of threats and curse words. 

Not so this year!!  The engine sputtered a bit, and then roared to life.  Everyone stood at the door with mouths agape.  In no time at all we had  the first cutting of the season. 

Now, i know that this seems a rather mundane, less than sparkling tidbit of life on the homestead, but let me assure you that it is nothing short of a miracle for this place, and definitely worthy of note and cause for celebration.


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