Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm Back In The Saddle Again.....

Weeellllllll, it has been a long, ugly tour of duty in the dog house, but we have a new CPU, so hopefully things will smooth out again.....

Used to have a cartoon strip taped to my workbench, that i am reminded of at this time.  It was the blue haired old lady, sitting on the couch with her shoebox full of pictures, and the young whipper snapper leaning over her shoulder trying to convince her to get a digital camera and put all of her pictures on her computer because they were neater, organized, and more accessible, etc.  At the end of the strip the old lady asked the young'un where all the pictures went when the hard drive crashed, and in the ensuing silence of the young'un, went back to sorting through her shoebox full of pictures. 

I am so a 35mm kinda girl.  But had to give it up....the techno world forced me to last year.  And now, i have this lovely digital camera that i am still trying to master.  And two days before i killed the CPU, had transferred all my pics to the hard drive, cleaned them off of the camera, and was working on figuring out how to do a backup thingy, but still hadn't figured it out.

I hate computers.

I want my shoebox back.


Queenacres said...

You put them on the computer and didn't back them up? Remember my pc crash of 2009?!?! Oh my! young grasshopper.....back to wax on wax off.....

Never delete until you duplicate. That reminds me, I need to buy some cds.

by Chickory Blossom said...

Yes, Master, i am red faced with shame.
Will start on the cars as soon as i finish painting the fences.

by Chickory Blossom said...

HEY!!! You were the one that was giving me grief because we were scrolling thru the 5,467,932 pictures on my camera!!!